In May 2013 Kurt Johnson, Jesse Sprinkle, and Aaron Hall, musicians and recording engineers from Upstate New York, went to collaborate with singers, songwriters, rap and hip hop artists, local orphanages, and other friends in Kampala, Uganda. Prezdo, Supaflow, Kenneth Koome of Nairobi, Kirabo Betty, Namakula Ruth, Brian, Patrick, and many others all worked together to write songs that convey the struggle of homeless youth in Kampala.

Kurt, Jesse, and Aaron returned from Kampala to their New York homes with volumes of recorded voices, stories, and songs. Voices of struggling young adults, stories of marginalized, hungry children. The songs they have written are currently being produced at Bluebrick Recordings in Avon, New York. These songs were shared to encourage and advocate for the many orphaned children struggling to find food right now in Kampala.
To support the creativity of these kids, the local charities helping children off the streets, and the future of local music in Kampala, please tell others about Paradise Uganda and look for its soon album release!